• icon1.5 KM Taunsa Bypass Road, Near Pakistan Chowk, D.G.Khan
  • iconinfo@gnies.edu.pk

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M

Department of Botany


Department of Botany is one of the leading department at Ghazi National Institute of Engineering and Sciences (GNIES), Dera Ghazi Khan. It is pioneer teaching and research department established simultaneously with the foundation of Institute. The Department offers BS program. The discipline of Botany deals with the course content of plant sciences and the utility of plants in relation to mankind and environment. The study of plants is important for several reasons and plants always remained a fundamental part of life on earth. They generate oxygen and provide shelter, food, fibers, fuel, and medicine. The main goal of the department at present is to impart quality education and inculcate the attitude of applied research in the minds of new entrants.
In future, the department is going to introduce some more subject specific /skill based courses which is the need of the hour, so that the students may get an opportunity to work in any part of the world and can compete with the students of any prestigious institution. By introducing such courses the main aim of the department is to produce entrepreneurs out of the students, so that they may not become merely employees but employers.
The famous saying that "all flesh is grass" reflects the significance of botany in the biosphere. It began with the tribal lore, to identify edible, medicinal, and poisonous plants for several reasons, they generate Oxygen and provide food, fibers, fuel, and medicine for life forms to exist on earth.
The Department of Botany has been established at GNIES. The first batch for admission in the Department has been started due to the demand of the area. It has been decided by the GNIES Authorities that Morning/Evening Sessions may be started in the best interest of the students as well as the area. The Faculty of the Department consists of professional and experienced teachers. Further Eminent Professors have been engaged as Visiting Faculty to ensure their maximum exposure for our students.

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