• icon1.5 KM Taunsa Bypass Road, Near Pakistan Chowk, D.G.Khan
  • iconinfo@gnies.edu.pk

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M

Department of Microbiology


Welcome to the Department of Microbiology, Ghazi National Institute of Engineering and Sciences, (GNIES). We are proud to deliver an outstanding BS degree program in Pure and Applied Microbiology discipline that offers exciting and diverse career opportunities in any sub discipline ranging from Human Health (Forensics, Epidemiology & Sanitation, Immunology, Vaccines) as well as Livestock Health, Agriculture Microbiology to Environmental Microbiology.
The academic program is assisted by excellent teaching faculty and is offering some of the finest resources available to a modern-day scholar. We are strongly committed to provide the budding scientists with an environment conducive for the education, training and research. We have carefully designed the program to train students to understand biodiversity and evolutionary prospects of microbes, molecular mechanism of drug resistance, and exploring novel and natural sources of drug and vaccines, as well as plants pests or virus.
The BS Degree program fulfills all the curriculum requirements of compulsory, core and allied courses as recommended by Higher Education Commission. The curricula will introduce the students with the basic microbiology (Microbial Genetic, Enzymology, Physiology & Taxonomy, Bacteriology, Phycology, Virology, Immunology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Plant Pathology, Forensic/diagnostic Microbiology and more) to the applied microbiology (Environmental, Medical, Food and Industrial Microbiology). Microbiology program of GNIES also aims to expand the current body of knowledge through research by providing research projects to the students.
The research projects will be focused on prevailing local and global issues such as environmental waste treatment, sanitation and hygiene, water and food borne diseases and scientific discoveries into therapeutics and vaccines against human, plant and animal diseases. After successfully completing the degree program, graduates will be able to put their knowledge and skills to use in universities, public and private laboratories, hospitals, and industrial laboratories all over the country and the world.

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